Tune Up Fitness 4 Customer Reviews & (4.7/5) Ratings of Tuneupfitness.com

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  • Active Tune Up Fitness community. Over the past month, 0 members of our Tune Up Fitness community have contributed by sharing Tune Up Fitness customer reviews. In the last 30 days, our community has been helped by 0 shopper opinions and ratings of shopping at tuneupfitness.com.
  • Community-driven Tune Up Fitness reviews. Our community members shared 4 feedbacks on shopping experience at tuneupfitness.com. Share your Tune Up Fitness review, and you may be eligible for a reward point if other shoppers find it helpful.
  • Honest Tune Up Fitness reviews. We currently have 4 trusted reviews for Tune Up Fitness, some shared with images to make the review more independent and trustworthy. You can also read the 0 pinned reviews which may be helpful.

Tune Up Fitness customer reviews

4.7 / 5 (4 ratings)

Yoga balls are my go-to equipment

I don't know how the Yoga Tune Up Therapy Ball Pair works, but this stuff is amazing. It gives effective and gentle self-massage. Besides, this product comes with a carrying case, making it easier for me to carry it around. As for the delivery, there's no doubt about it, as I received the yoga ball within two days. Sounds good, right? It's not just the amazing product quality and prompt delivery. They have nice customer service. I can't wait to come back and explore more of what this store has to offer.


  • Addressing muscle stiffness and pain
  • Easy to use, effortless
  • This ball can reduce the risk of bruising
  • The price is very affordable


  • Damaged packaged while shipping
carrying case Customer Service Delivery self-massage Yoga balls

Useful for 0 Shoppers


Great choice of massage therapy balls

Tune Up Fitness offers a wide selection of high-quality massage therapy balls. Because of its wide range of features, I chose the ALPHA Ball. So far, I'm pretty satisfied with its quality. This ball provides a huge grip, just like my favorite massage therapy fist. Most massage balls often bruise your feet, but this massage ball does not at all. Overall, I'm delighted with this product. I'll be back again for the next purchase.


  • The pressure is like a clenched fist
  • It can tackle cramped neck muscles
  • The product price is still reasonable
  • The delivery was very fast


  • Product packaging is not satisfactory
top-quality Alpha Ball massage therapy balls

Useful for 0 Shoppers


The Coregeous Ball's quality is outstanding

My fitness trainer recommended this ball because it's great for people with abdominal problems. I use it for abdominal massages, and it feels very comfortable without causing pain. Thanks to this ball, I have started to crave the feeling of losing the stomach problem. Apart from the stomach, I also use it for my arms. I use this product almost every day, and the results are noticeable. What a fantastic product! I'll buy this product again for my fam.


  • The ball is very soft
  • It is perfect to bring while on-the-go
  • Giving a gentle and deep massage


  • Shipping costs are extremely expensive
fitness trainer coregeous ball fitness ball abdominal problems abdominal massage

Useful for 0 Shoppers


Neck fatigue is gone, thanks to Alpha Ball

I want to thank my best friend for recommending this therapy ball. I have used this ball many times and ended up falling in love with it. This therapy ball is perfect and works great. Although the texture is a little sticky, it is precisely this factor that makes this therapy ball not easy to slip off. At first glance, this therapy ball looks hard. But it's not as hard as what you see in the shop.


  • No risk of bruising and irritation
  • Pressure applied like a human fist
  • The size of the therapy ball is perfect
  • Perfect to bring anywhere


  • The therapy ball is not soft enough
Alpha Ball neck fatigue therapy ball

Useful for 0 Shoppers

Tune Up Fitness review FAQ

Is Tune Up Fitness legit?

With a rating score of 4.7 out of 5 from 4 customer reviews on Rummmor, Tune Up Fitness is most likely a legitimate, safe, and trustworthy merchant. This aggregate rating is based on reviews we have collected from members. The Rummmor team manages the system and does its best to minimize and eliminate fake reviews.

However, it is better to read all of the Tune Up Fitness reviews and find out for yourself whether Tune Up Fitness is really a legit shop and safe for shopping. The decision to shop at tuneupfitness.com is yours, Rummmor is not responsible for your purchase.

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About our Tune Up Fitness reviews

Today, we have 4 verified Tune Up Fitness reviews available for tuneupfitness.com, allowing you to make a smarter buying decision. On average, shoppers rate 4.5 for ordering, 5 for pricing, 5 for service, & 4.3 for delivery when purchasing at Tune Up Fitness.